Understanding Your Yorkie Terrier’s Temperament: A Guide

As a dog lover and experienced trainer, I have always been fascinated by the unique personalities and temperaments of different breeds. Today, I want to dive into the delightful world of Yorkie Terriers and explore their charming temperament and endearing personality traits.

The Yorkshire Terrier is beloved for its adorable appearance, with its silky coat and button-like eyes. But what truly sets them apart is their temperament. Yorkies are intelligent, courageous, and independent, making them fascinating companions for those who appreciate a lively and engaging pet.

While each Yorkie may have its own distinct personality, they generally exhibit a happy and amusing nature. They have a natural curiosity and love to explore their surroundings, making every day an adventure in their eyes.

What truly shapes a Yorkie’s temperament is early socialization and proper care during the critical first three months of their life. This early period is crucial for their behavioral development and sets the foundation for their lifelong personality.

Key Takeaways:

  • Yorkshire Terriers are known for their cute appearance and charming personalities.
  • They are intelligent, courageous, and independent.
  • Proper socialization and care during the first three months are essential for their behavior development.
  • Yorkies are generally happy and amusing companions.
  • Each Yorkie may have its own unique personality traits.

The Importance of Socialization for Yorkie Temperament

Proper socialization is crucial for shaping the behavior and temperament of your Yorkie. Yorkies are known for their lively and inquisitive nature, but without early socialization, they may become shy or fearful. Socializing your Yorkie involves exposing them to various environments, people, and animals during their first few months of life.

During this critical period, it’s important to introduce your Yorkie to different household noises, such as vacuum cleaners, doorbells, and kitchen appliances, to help them become accustomed to these sounds. Additionally, exposing them to a variety of people, including children, adults, and strangers, will help them develop confidence and ease around different individuals.

Introducing other animals

Introducing your Yorkie to other animals, such as cats or other dogs, is essential for their social development. This exposure helps them learn appropriate behavior and communication skills. It’s crucial to supervise these interactions and ensure they are positive experiences for your Yorkie. Gradual introductions and positive reinforcement can help prevent any fear or aggression towards other animals.

Benefits of socialization

By socializing your Yorkie, you are setting them up for a lifetime of positive interactions with people and animals. Socialized Yorkies are more likely to be friendly, well-behaved, and comfortable in various situations. They are less likely to exhibit aggressive or fearful behavior, making them happier companions for you and everyone they interact with.

Remember, early socialization is key to shaping your Yorkie’s behavior and temperament. By exposing them to different environments, people, and animals, you can help them become confident, well-adjusted, and happy pets.

Creating a Well-Behaved Yorkie: The Role of the Home Environment

Creating a well-behaved Yorkie starts with providing a safe and structured home environment. Yorkies thrive when they have a daily routine, so establishing a schedule for waking, feeding, grooming, exercise, and playtime is essential. This helps them feel secure and loved, and it also promotes positive behavior. By following a consistent routine, you can reinforce good habits and set clear expectations for your Yorkie.

In addition to a daily schedule, it’s important to establish yourself as the leader of the pack. Yorkies are smart and independent, but they still need guidance and boundaries. Through training, you can teach them basic commands and reinforce obedience. Consistency is key, as Yorkies respond best to clear expectations and rewards for good behavior.

A well-behaved Yorkie is a happy and balanced dog. By providing a nurturing home environment with a daily routine and clear leadership, you can help shape their behavior and temperament. Remember, consistency and patience are key when training your Yorkie, and always provide positive reinforcement to encourage their good behavior.

Quirks and Odd Behavior of Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are known for their adorable appearance and lively personality. However, they can also exhibit some quirks and odd behaviors that may leave their owners puzzled. Understanding these behaviors can help you provide the right care and address any potential issues.

Hyperventilating and Shaking

One common quirk of Yorkies is hyperventilation and shaking, especially when they are excited or anxious. This behavior, known as “reverse sneezing,” is not harmful and usually goes away on its own. However, if it becomes frequent or severe, it’s best to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health conditions.

Rolling in the Grass

Another unusual behavior that Yorkies may exhibit is rolling in the grass. While this can be adorable and entertaining to watch, it’s believed to be an instinctual behavior that stems from their roots as hunting dogs. Rolling in the grass allows them to mask their scent and blend in with their surroundings, making them less detectable to potential prey.

Overly Shy Behavior

Some Yorkies may display overly shy behavior, preferring to hide or retreat in unfamiliar or stressful situations. This can be attributed to a lack of socialization during their early months or a naturally timid temperament. It’s important to provide gentle exposure to new experiences and environments, gradually building their confidence and helping them overcome their shyness.

By understanding the quirks and odd behaviors of Yorkies, you can better meet their needs and ensure their well-being. Remember, every dog is unique, and what may be considered odd behavior for one Yorkie may be perfectly normal for another. If you have any concerns about your Yorkie’s behavior, consult with a professional trainer or veterinarian for guidance.

Yorkie Health and Safety Precautions

The health and safety of your Yorkie are of utmost importance. These tiny dogs may be adorable, but they are physically fragile and require extra care and attention to keep them safe. Here are some essential health and safety precautions to consider:

Diligent Supervision

Due to their small size, Yorkies are vulnerable to accidents and injuries. It’s vital to supervise them closely, especially around larger dogs or in unfamiliar environments. Always keep a watchful eye on your Yorkie to prevent any potential mishaps.

Secure Home Environment

Creating a secure home environment is crucial for your Yorkie’s safety. Ensure that your home is free from potential hazards such as toxic plants, sharp objects, and open windows or balconies. Investing in baby gates or using pet barriers can help restrict their access to certain areas and keep them safe.

Leash Walking

Yorkies should always be kept on a leash when outside to prevent them from running off or getting into dangerous situations. Their small size makes them more susceptible to attacks by larger animals or becoming lost. A sturdy harness rather than a collar can provide better control and prevent any undue pressure on their fragile necks.

Veterinary Care

Regular vet check-ups are essential for your Yorkie’s overall health and well-being. Yorkies are prone to certain health issues, such as dental problems and patellar luxation. By staying up to date with vaccinations, dental care, and preventive treatments for fleas and ticks, you can help ensure your Yorkie stays healthy.

yorkie terrier

The Pros and Cons of Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are popular for many reasons. They have a fine-boned and elegant appearance, making them easy to carry around. Their light shedding and lively and inquisitive nature make them delightful companions. Additionally, Yorkies make excellent watchdogs, alerting their owners to any potential threats.

However, owning a Yorkie does come with its challenges. Housebreaking them can be difficult, as they tend to have a stubborn streak. They are also known to be prone to excessive barking, which can be a concern for some owners. Regular grooming is essential for their long, silky coat, which requires brushing, combing, and occasional trimming.

It’s important for potential Yorkie owners to carefully consider these pros and cons before bringing a Yorkie into their lives. While Yorkies have many positive qualities, they also require consistent training and attention to ensure they develop into well-behaved and balanced dogs.


  • Fine-boned and elegant appearance
  • Light shedding
  • Lively and inquisitive nature
  • Excellent watchdogs


  • Difficulties with housebreaking
  • Prone to excessive barking
  • Regular grooming required

The Size and Different Types of Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terriers are delightful small dogs that come in a variety of sizes, but according to the national breed club, they should ideally stand around 7-8 inches tall and weigh between 3-7 pounds. It’s important to note that individual sizes may vary, and some Yorkies may be smaller or larger than the recommended standards.

However, it’s essential to debunk the myth surrounding “Teacup,” “Tiny Toy,” or “Extreme Tiny” Yorkies. These terms are not recognized as separate types or breeds by reputable organizations. They are often marketing gimmicks used by some breeders to create the illusion of special or rare Yorkies. Responsible breeders prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs instead of promoting exaggerated sizes.

When considering a Yorkshire Terrier, it’s important to focus on finding a reputable breeder who adheres to breed standards and prioritizes the overall health and temperament of their dogs. Remember, a Yorkie’s size may vary, but it’s their personality, affectionate nature, and lively demeanor that truly make them the beloved companions they are.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Size

While the size of a Yorkshire Terrier may seem like a small detail, it can actually have a significant impact on their overall well-being. Smaller Yorkies may be more fragile and prone to injuries, while larger ones may face health issues associated with being overweight. It’s crucial to select a Yorkie that suits your lifestyle and preferences, but always ensure their size is within a healthy range.

It’s also important to note that size does not determine a Yorkie’s temperament or personality. Whether big or small, they can still exhibit the same playful, energetic, and loving traits that make them such wonderful companions. So, when choosing a Yorkshire Terrier, focus on finding one with a temperament and personality that aligns with your lifestyle, and enjoy the special bond you’ll form with this delightful breed.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation for Yorkies

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, may be small in size, but they have big exercise and mental stimulation needs. Regular physical exercise is important to keep them fit and prevent weight gain. Taking them for walks or play sessions in a secure area where they can safely explore their surroundings is recommended. However, it’s essential to remember that Yorkies are delicate dogs, so exercise should be tailored to their size and physical capabilities.

Aside from physical exercise, Yorkies also require mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. Interactive toys, puzzle games, and treat-dispensing toys can provide mental challenges and keep their sharp minds engaged. Training sessions that focus on learning new commands or tricks can also provide mental stimulation while strengthening the bond between you and your Yorkie.

yorkie exercise

Leash Training and Obedience Training

Leash training is an important aspect of exercise for Yorkies. While they may have a tendency to pull or become easily distracted, consistent and patient training can help them become more obedient on walks. Using positive reinforcement techniques and reward-based training can encourage good leash manners and make walks more enjoyable for both you and your Yorkie.

Additionally, obedience training is crucial for a well-behaved Yorkie. Teaching them basic commands like sit, stay, and come can help keep them safe in different situations. Positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience are key when training a Yorkie, as they respond well to praise and rewards.

The Importance of Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise for Yorkies. This breed is intelligent and curious, so they thrive when given opportunities to learn and problem-solve. Engaging them in activities that challenge their minds, such as hide and seek or puzzle toys, can help satisfy their curiosity and prevent boredom-related behaviors like excessive barking or destructive chewing.

In conclusion, providing both physical exercise and mental stimulation is essential for the overall well-being and happiness of your Yorkie. By engaging them in regular exercise and incorporating mental challenges into their daily routine, you can ensure that they lead a fulfilling and enriched life.

Training Challenges and Tips for Yorkies

Training a Yorkie can be both rewarding and challenging. These adorable little dogs are known for their intelligence and quick learning abilities. However, they can also be stubborn and independent, which can present some unique training hurdles.

One common challenge is leash training. Yorkies are lively and curious, and they may pull or resist being walked on a leash. It’s important to start leash training early and be patient and consistent. Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to reward your Yorkie for walking calmly on the leash. Gradually increase the duration and distance of the walks to build their confidence and obedience.

Housebreaking can also be a challenge for Yorkies. These small dogs have tiny bladders and may have difficulty holding it in for long periods. Establishing a consistent potty schedule and using crate training can help in the housebreaking process. Take your Yorkie outside frequently, especially after meals and naps, and be sure to reward them with praise or a small treat when they eliminate in the appropriate spot.

Another important aspect of training a Yorkie is to establish yourself as the leader. Yorkies can develop small dog syndrome if they are not given consistent boundaries and rules. Avoid babying or coddling your Yorkie, as this can reinforce unwanted behaviors, such as excessive barking or separation anxiety. Instead, be firm but gentle in your training approach and consistently reinforce positive behaviors.

Remember, training a Yorkie takes time, patience, and consistency. Celebrate small victories and be prepared for setbacks along the way. Seek the guidance of a professional trainer if you’re having difficulties or need additional support. With proper training and positive reinforcement, your Yorkie can become a well-behaved and obedient companion.

Yorkshire Terrier Grooming and Health Considerations

Proper grooming is essential for maintaining the health and well-being of your Yorkshire Terrier. Regular grooming not only keeps their coat looking beautiful but also helps prevent matting, skin issues, and other health problems. Yorkies have a long, silky coat that requires daily brushing to prevent tangles and mats from forming. Additionally, occasional trimming or clipping may be necessary to keep their coat at a manageable length.

In addition to coat care, dental hygiene is crucial for Yorkies. Their small mouths are prone to dental issues, so it’s essential to brush their teeth regularly and provide dental chews or treats to promote oral health. Keeping their nails trimmed is also important to prevent discomfort and ensure proper foot structure. Grooming sessions are an excellent opportunity to check for any signs of skin problems, ear infections, or other health concerns that may require attention.

Regular veterinary check-ups are vital for your Yorkie’s overall health. Yorkies are prone to certain health conditions, such as luxating patella, collapsed trachea, liver shunts, and dental issues. By scheduling regular check-ups, your vet can monitor your Yorkie’s health, detect any potential problems early on, and provide the necessary treatment. Remember to stay up to date with vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and heartworm medication to keep your Yorkie protected.

Yorkie Temperament: My Experience and Advice

As a dog trainer and behavioral consultant with years of experience, I have had the pleasure of working closely with Yorkshire Terriers and understanding their unique temperament. Yorkies are known for their lively and inquisitive nature, making them a delightful companion for those seeking a small and affectionate dog. However, it’s important to remember that every Yorkie is an individual with their own quirks and personality traits.

From my experience, I have found that proper training and socialization are key factors in shaping a Yorkie’s behavior. Early socialization helps them become comfortable with different people, animals, and environments, reducing the chances of them becoming shy or overly protective. It’s essential to expose them to various stimuli during their early months to ensure they grow into well-adjusted and confident dogs.

When it comes to training, Yorkies are generally intelligent and quick learners. However, they can sometimes be stubborn or independent, which may present training challenges. Patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement techniques are vital in achieving success. It’s important to establish yourself as the pack leader and provide clear boundaries and expectations to prevent any unwanted behaviors.

Grooming and care are also crucial aspects of Yorkie ownership

Yorkshire Terriers have a beautiful and distinctive coat that requires regular grooming. Regular brushing, occasional trimming, and dental care are essential to keep their coat healthy and prevent matting. Additionally, it’s important to provide them with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and mental stimulation to ensure their overall well-being.

In conclusion, Yorkies are lovable and charming companions with their unique temperament. With proper training, socialization, and care, they can thrive in any loving home. Remember that each Yorkie is an individual, and their temperament may vary. By understanding and catering to their specific needs, you can build a strong and fulfilling relationship with your furry friend.


Understanding the temperament of your Yorkie is essential for nurturing a strong bond and fostering a happy and harmonious relationship. As a Yorkie owner, I have learned that providing a nurturing and structured environment is key to unlocking their true personality. By prioritizing their health and safety, implementing proper socialization, and consistent training, you can shape your Yorkie’s behavior and temperament in a positive way.

Remember, Yorkies are known for their charming personalities, intelligence, and independence. They thrive when given the opportunity for mental and physical stimulation. Engaging them in interactive toys, obstacle courses, and training sessions can prevent behavioral issues and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.

Lastly, don’t forget to seek guidance from professionals if needed. Whether it’s for training challenges, grooming advice, or health concerns, experienced professionals can provide invaluable assistance. With love, patience, and a good understanding of your Yorkie’s unique temperament, you can create a wonderful and fulfilling life together.


What is the temperament of a Yorkshire Terrier?

Yorkshire Terriers are known for being intelligent, courageous, and independent. They are generally happy and amusing companions.

How important is socialization for a Yorkie’s temperament?

Socialization plays a crucial role in shaping a Yorkie’s personality. Exposing them to various household noises and experiences during their first 3 months helps them become well-adjusted and comfortable with people.

How can I create a well-behaved Yorkie in my home?

Establishing a daily schedule and providing a safe and structured environment are important for a well-behaved Yorkie. Training, setting boundaries, and consistently reinforcing obedience also play a key role.

Do Yorkshire Terriers have any quirks or odd behaviors?

Yes, Yorkies can exhibit unique behaviors such as rolling in the grass, being overly shy, or hyperventilating. It’s important to understand these behaviors and address any underlying issues.

How can I keep my Yorkie safe and healthy?

Yorkies are physically fragile and require close supervision. It’s important to protect them from potential hazards and not allow them off-leash due to their small size. Regular vet check-ups and proper grooming are also necessary for their well-being.

What are the pros and cons of owning a Yorkshire Terrier?

Yorkshire Terriers are fine-boned, elegant, and shed lightly. They are lively, inquisitive, and make excellent watchdogs. However, they can have housebreaking difficulties, are prone to barking, and require regular grooming.

What is the size and different types of Yorkshire Terriers?

Yorkshire Terriers should be around 7-8 inches tall and weigh 3-7 lbs. The terms “Teacup,” “Tiny Toy,” or “Extreme Tiny” Yorkies are not recognized as separate types or breeds.

How can I provide exercise and mental stimulation for my Yorkie?

Taking them outside for fresh air and playtime, engaging them in interactive toys, and teaching them tricks can provide physical and mental stimulation.

Do Yorkies have any training challenges?

Yorkies can have challenges with leash training and housebreaking. Patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are key when training a Yorkie.

What grooming and health considerations should I keep in mind for my Yorkie?

Regular grooming, including brushing, combing, and occasional trimming, is necessary for their coat. Maintaining dental care, nails, and overall hygiene is important. Regular vet check-ups are essential to address any potential health issues.

What advice do you have based on your experience with Yorkie temperament?

It’s important to treat Yorkies sensibly, provide them with mental and physical stimulation, and avoid excessive coddling. Responsible breeding practices should also be considered for their health and well-being.