Silky Terriers – Your Guide to America’s Adorable Breed

Welcome to my guide on Silky Terriers, the delightful breed that has captured the hearts of dog lovers across America. Whether you’re a long-time enthusiast or just discovering these charming canines, this guide will provide you with all the essential information you need to know about Silky Terriers, from their origins to their care and activities.

Originating in Australia in the 19th century, Silky Terriers are a crossbreed between the rough-coated Australian Terrier and the Yorkshire Terrier. In the 1930s, they made their way to America and quickly gained popularity, thanks in part to a Silky Terrier gracing the cover of This Week magazine in 1954. Four years later, the breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Key Takeaways:

  • Silky Terriers are a mix of Australian Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier.
  • The breed arrived in America in the 1930s and gained popularity in the 1950s.
  • The American Kennel Club recognized Silky Terriers in 1958.
  • Regular grooming is necessary to maintain their long, silky coat.
  • Silky Terriers are adaptable to apartment living and thrive in active family environments.

Silky Terrier Grooming and Health

The Silky Terrier is known for its beautiful, long, silky coat that requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and tangle-free. Unlike other breeds, Silky Terriers do not shed seasonally, making proper grooming even more important. Regular brushing is essential to prevent mats and tangles from forming in their delicate hair. Additionally, Silky Terriers should be bathed regularly to keep their coat clean and shiny.

When it comes to health, Silky Terriers are generally robust and healthy dogs. However, they may be prone to certain health issues, including dental problems. It’s important for owners to pay attention to their Silky Terriers’ dental health and provide regular dental care. This may include regular tooth brushing and professional dental cleanings.

Grooming Tips for Silky Terriers

To keep your Silky Terrier’s coat in top condition, follow these grooming tips:

  • Brush your Silky Terrier’s coat daily to prevent tangling and matting.
  • Use a slicker brush or comb to remove knots and tangles gently.
  • Trim your Silky Terrier’s hair around the eyes, ears, and paws to prevent discomfort and maintain cleanliness.
  • Bathe your Silky Terrier every 4-6 weeks using a gentle dog shampoo formulated for long-haired breeds.
  • Regularly check and clean your Silky Terrier’s ears to prevent infection.
  • Take your Silky Terrier to a professional groomer for trimming or styling as needed.

By following these grooming tips and providing regular veterinary care, you can ensure your Silky Terrier stays healthy and looks their best.

Silky Terrier Temperament and Training

When it comes to temperament, Silky Terriers are a delightful mix of intelligence, liveliness, and outgoing nature. These little dogs have a curious nature and love to be involved in their owner’s activities. They thrive on attention and affection, making them wonderful companions for families and individuals alike.

However, it’s important to note that Silky Terriers can also be independent and stubborn at times. This is why early socialization and positive reinforcement training methods are crucial for ensuring a well-behaved Silky Terrier. By using treats and rewards, you can motivate your Silky Terrier to learn and obey commands, making training sessions enjoyable for both of you.

As highly intelligent dogs, Silky Terriers excel in learning new tricks and tasks. They are quick learners and enjoy mental stimulation. Engaging activities such as puzzle toys, obedience training, and interactive games can help keep their minds sharp and prevent boredom. A well-trained Silky Terrier will become a well-behaved and happy member of your family.

silky terrier training

Grooming and Health

Regular grooming is essential for maintaining the health and appearance of a Silky Terrier. With their long, silky coat, they require regular brushing to prevent matting and tangling. Bathing should be done as needed to keep their coat clean and shiny. Additionally, dental care is crucial for Silky Terriers, as they may be prone to dental issues. Regular veterinary care, including vaccinations and check-ups, will ensure their overall well-being.

Size and Colors

Silky Terriers are small, compact dogs, typically reaching a height of around 10-11 inches. Their unique coat colors include shades of blue and tan, such as silver blue, pigeon blue, or slate blue. Their long and silky coat adds to their distinctive appearance, making them even more charming.

Silky Terrier Size and Colors

When it comes to size, Silky Terriers are small and compact dogs, measuring around 10-11 inches in height. Despite their small stature, they possess a confident and lively presence that commands attention.

What truly sets Silky Terriers apart is their stunning coat color. They sport a unique blue and tan coat, which gives them a distinctive and eye-catching appearance. The blue color can come in various shades, including silver blue, pigeon blue, and slate blue. These beautiful color variations make each Silky Terrier truly unique.

With their small size and striking coat colors, Silky Terriers are sure to turn heads wherever they go. Their vibrant personalities and adorable appearance make them a beloved breed among dog enthusiasts.

Silky Terrier Activities and Sports

When it comes to keeping your Silky Terrier engaged and active, there are plenty of activities and sports that they will enjoy. These energetic little dogs love to participate in various events with their owners and excel in AKC activities such as obedience, rally, and agility trials. Their intelligence and agility make them quick learners and enthusiastic participants in these competitions.

Another activity that Silky Terriers naturally excel in is earthdog and barnhunt. With their instinctive drive to hunt and dig, these activities tap into their natural abilities and provide mental stimulation. Watching your Silky Terrier use their keen sense of smell and determination to locate their target underground is truly impressive.

Aside from organized activities, Silky Terriers also love going on outdoor adventures with their owners. Taking them hiking, to the beach, or even shopping can be a fun way to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. These little explorers enjoy new experiences and thrive when they are given the opportunity to discover and explore their surroundings.

Keeping Your Silky Terrier Active and Happy

To ensure that your Silky Terrier stays happy and healthy, it’s important to incorporate regular activities and exercise into their routine. Daily walks, playtime in a securely fenced yard, and interactive toys can help fulfill their exercise needs. Mental stimulation is also crucial for their well-being, so consider introducing puzzle toys or training sessions to challenge their minds.

Remember that every Silky Terrier is unique, so pay attention to their individual preferences and energy levels. Some may enjoy more intense physical activities, while others may prefer quieter games or shorter walks. The key is to find a balance that suits your Silky Terrier’s needs and keeps them engaged and content.

By providing your Silky Terrier with regular activities, sports, and mental stimulation, you can ensure that they lead a happy and fulfilling life as your furry companion.

Silky Terrier Club of America

The Silky Terrier Club of America (STCA) is a dedicated parent club that aims to preserve and promote the well-being of the Silky Terrier breed. As the official organization recognized by the American Kennel Club, the STCA plays a vital role in providing resources and support for Silky Terrier owners and breeders across the country.

Membership to the STCA is highly encouraged for anyone who is passionate about the Silky Terrier breed. By becoming a member, you can gain access to a wealth of valuable information and connect with a community of fellow Silky Terrier enthusiasts. Whether you are a Silky Terrier owner, a breeder, or simply an admirer of the breed, joining the STCA offers opportunities to participate in various events, shows, and educational programs.

Benefits of Silky Terrier Club Membership

Becoming a member of the Silky Terrier Club of America comes with a range of benefits. You’ll receive a subscription to the STCA’s quarterly magazine, which features articles, breed information, training tips, and more. The magazine is a valuable resource for staying up-to-date with the latest developments in Silky Terrier care and ownership.

In addition, the STCA provides access to a network of experienced breeders and mentors who can offer guidance and support. As a member, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in local and national events, including specialty shows and performance trials. These events are not only fun but also provide an excellent platform for showcasing your Silky Terrier and connecting with other passionate owners.

Joining the Silky Terrier Club of America is an excellent way to contribute to the preservation of the breed and ensure its future. By supporting the STCA’s efforts, you play a vital role in maintaining breed standards, promoting responsible breeding practices, and preserving the unique characteristics of Silky Terriers for generations to come.

Silky Terrier Care and Ownership

As a proud owner of a Silky Terrier, caring for your furry companion is essential to ensure their health and happiness. This breed requires regular grooming to maintain their beautiful, silky coat. Brushing their long hair regularly and bathing them as needed will keep their coat healthy and tangle-free. Remember, their coat does not shed seasonally like other breeds, so proper grooming is crucial.

Aside from grooming, providing your Silky Terrier with proper nutrition and regular exercise is vital. A well-balanced diet, recommended by your veterinarian, will help keep them in top shape. Silky Terriers are active little dogs that enjoy daily walks and playtime. Engaging them in activities like fetch or interactive toys will not only keep them physically fit but mentally stimulated as well.

When it comes to ownership, Silky Terriers thrive in a loving and active family environment. They are adaptable to apartment living and enjoy being with their owners. However, it’s important to note that they can be a bit stubborn at times, so positive reinforcement training methods are highly recommended. Early socialization is also crucial to ensure they get along well with others, including older children and properly socialized dogs.

Silky Terrier Care

In summary, taking good care of your Silky Terrier involves regular grooming, providing a nutritious diet, and keeping them mentally and physically stimulated through exercise and play. With proper care and training, your Silky Terrier will blossom into a well-adjusted and happy companion, bringing joy and love to your household for years to come.

Silky Terrier Origins and History

Let’s delve into the fascinating origins and history of the Silky Terrier breed. The Silky Terrier is believed to have originated in Australia in the 19th century. It is a delightful crossbreed between the Australian Terrier and the Yorkshire Terrier, resulting in its unique characteristics and charm.

The Silky Terrier gained popularity in the United States after World War II when servicemen brought these adorable dogs back with them from Australia. Their playful nature and irresistible looks captured the hearts of many American families.

The breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1958, solidifying its place as a beloved companion and show dog. Since then, Silky Terriers have continued to be cherished for their loyalty, intelligence, and affectionate nature.

The Silky Terrier breed has come a long way, and its history reflects its journey from Australia to becoming a cherished breed in the United States.

Now that we’ve explored the origins and history of the Silky Terrier, let’s move on to other aspects of owning and caring for this wonderful breed in the following sections.


As a well-informed guide to Silky Terriers, I hope this article has provided valuable information about this adorable breed. Silky Terriers make fantastic companions for American homes, bringing joy and love to any family.

Regular grooming, training, and socialization are key to ensuring that your Silky Terrier thrives. Their intelligence and agility make them perfect candidates for various activities and sports, such as obedience, rally, agility trials, and earthdog events.

The Silky Terrier Club of America is a valuable resource for Silky Terrier owners and breeders. By becoming a member, you can access a wealth of knowledge and support, contributing to the well-being and preservation of this beloved breed.

In conclusion, owning a Silky Terrier is a rewarding experience that will bring endless companionship and happiness to your life. Whether you’re looking for a cuddle buddy or an active partner, the Silky Terrier is the perfect choice. Take the leap and welcome a Silky Terrier into your home!


Do Silky Terriers shed?

No, Silky Terriers have a long, silky coat that does not shed seasonally like other breeds. However, regular grooming is necessary to keep their coat healthy and tangle-free.

What are common health issues in Silky Terriers?

Silky Terriers may be prone to dental issues and poor dental health. Regular veterinary care, including check-ups and dental care, is important for their overall well-being.

Are Silky Terriers easy to train?

Silky Terriers are highly intelligent but can be independent and stubborn at times. Positive reinforcement training methods and early socialization are essential for a well-behaved Silky Terrier.

What is the size of a Silky Terrier?

Silky Terriers are small, compact dogs with a height of around 10-11 inches.

What colors do Silky Terriers come in?

Silky Terriers have a unique blue and tan coat, with variations such as silver blue, pigeon blue, or slate blue.

What activities can I do with my Silky Terrier?

Silky Terriers excel in activities such as obedience, rally, agility trials, earthdog, and barnhunt. They also enjoy hiking, going to the beach, and participating in various outdoor activities with their owners.

What is the Silky Terrier Club of America?

The Silky Terrier Club of America (STCA) is the parent club recognized by the American Kennel Club. It provides resources and support for Silky Terrier owners and breeders across the country.

Are Silky Terriers good with children and other dogs?

Silky Terriers are generally good with older kids and properly socialized dogs. However, early socialization and proper introductions are important for a positive and harmonious relationship.

How do I take care of a Silky Terrier?

Silky Terriers require regular grooming, including brushing and bathing, to maintain their coat’s health and appearance. They also need regular veterinary care, exercise, and a loving and active family environment.

Where did the Silky Terrier originate from?

The exact origin of the Silky Terrier is uncertain, but it is believed to have originated in Australia in the 19th century. It is a mix of the Australian Terrier and the Yorkshire Terrier.