Meet the Brussel Griffon: A Small Dog with Big Personality

Are you a fan of small dog breeds? If so, let me introduce you to the delightful Brussel Griffon. Originating in Belgium, these charming dogs were originally bred as rat catchers. However, their adorable looks and lovable personality quickly turned them into beloved companion dogs.

The Brussel Griffon is easily recognizable by its furry gargoyle appearance, complete with a short, pushed-in face and expressive eyes. Their wiry and dense coat comes in various colors, such as red, black, and tan, making them even more captivating. Some even have cropped ears that stand upright, giving them an alert and attentive expression.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Brussel Griffon is a small dog breed with a charming personality.
  • They were originally bred as rat catchers in Belgium.
  • Brussels Griffons have a unique gargoyle-like appearance.
  • Their dense coat comes in various colors.
  • Some Brussels Griffons have cropped ears.

Brussels Griffon Characteristics

When it comes to Brussels Griffons, their unique characteristics set them apart from other breeds. These small dogs are known for their affectionate nature and the strong bond they form with their owners. They thrive on human companionship and are always eager to be by your side. Whether you’re sitting on the couch or going for a walk, your Brussels Griffon will be right there with you, bringing joy and love into your life.

Not only are Brussels Griffons loving and affectionate, but they also have a playful and curious nature. They enjoy playtime and will happily engage in various activities with you. Despite their lively personality, they don’t require excessive exercise. Moderate exercise, such as short walks and indoor games, is enough to keep them content and healthy.

Socialization plays a crucial role in the development of Brussels Griffons. By exposing them to different people, places, and experiences from an early age, you can help them become confident and well-rounded dogs. Whether it’s introducing them to new environments or socializing them with other dogs, providing these opportunities will help your Brussels Griffon grow into a happy and confident companion.

Growing Strong Bonds

One of the most remarkable characteristics of Brussels Griffons is their ability to form strong bonds with their owners. Their affectionate nature and loyalty make them excellent companions for individuals or families. These small dogs have a lot of love to give, and they can bring immense joy and happiness to your home.

Brussels Griffons are a unique breed with distinct characteristics that set them apart from others. Their affection, playfulness, and curious nature make them delightful companions. By understanding and appreciating these traits, you can provide the love, care, and attention that your Brussels Griffon deserves.

Brussels Griffon Training and Intelligence

Training a Brussels Griffon can be both enjoyable and challenging due to their intelligence and occasional stubbornness. These small dogs are quick learners and have the potential to excel in obedience and agility training. However, it’s important to approach their training with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement.

One key aspect of training a Brussels Griffon is to make the sessions fun and engaging. Incorporating treats, toys, and play into the training routine can help keep your Griffon motivated and focused. Short training sessions multiple times a day are usually more effective than long, intensive sessions. Remember to praise and reward your Griffon for their efforts and accomplishments.

Socialization is another crucial aspect of training for a Brussels Griffon. Exposing them to different environments, people, and animals from an early age helps them develop into well-rounded and confident dogs. It’s important to introduce them to new experiences gradually and ensure that they have positive associations.

Brussels Griffon Exercise and Socialization

Proper exercise and socialization are crucial for the health and well-being of Brussels Griffons. Despite their small size, these dogs have a good amount of energy and need at least 30 minutes of exercise daily to keep them happy and healthy. This can include short walks, playtime, and engaging in mental stimulation activities.

Brussels Griffons are fairly active indoors, so you don’t need a large yard to provide them with the exercise they need. They are intelligent dogs and enjoy problem-solving and interactive toys that challenge their minds. Incorporating games and activities that engage their natural instincts, such as searching for hidden treats or participating in dog puzzles, will keep them mentally stimulated.

Importance of Socialization

Socialization is equally important for Brussels Griffons. Introducing them to various people, places, and experiences from an early age helps prevent shyness or fearfulness. It is essential to expose them to different environments, such as parks, busy streets, and other animals, to help them become well-rounded and confident dogs.

Positive and controlled interactions with other dogs are also crucial for their social development. It’s important to supervise their interactions and ensure they are comfortable and safe around other dogs. Doggy daycare, obedience classes, and supervised playdates can be great opportunities for socializing your Brussels Griffon.

In conclusion, providing regular exercise and socialization opportunities for your Brussels Griffon is essential for their physical and mental well-being. Keeping them active, mentally stimulated, and socialized will help ensure that they lead happy and fulfilling lives as beloved companions.

Brussels Griffon Health

The health of your Brussels Griffon is a priority when it comes to caring for your furry companion. While this breed is generally healthy, there are a few health concerns to be aware of. Regular veterinary care and preventive measures play a crucial role in keeping your Brussels Griffon in optimal condition.

Some health issues that can affect Brussels Griffons include patellar luxation, which is the dislocation of the kneecap, corneal ulcers, and cherry eye, a condition where the gland in the eyelid becomes swollen and red. It is essential to monitor your Griffon for any signs of these health problems and seek veterinary attention if needed.

brussels griffon health

Giving your Brussels Griffon a balanced diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight are important factors in their overall health and well-being. Providing them with a nutritious diet that meets their specific needs can help prevent obesity and related health issues.

Regular grooming is essential to keep your Brussels Griffon’s coat healthy and prevent matting. Brushing their wiry coat regularly and scheduling professional grooming appointments will help maintain their coat’s texture and cleanliness.

Overall, being attentive to your Brussels Griffon’s health needs and ensuring they receive proper veterinary care, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and grooming will help keep them happy and healthy for years to come.

Size and Lifespan

Brussels Griffons are small dogs with a charming and adorable appearance. They stand 10-12 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh between 7-12 pounds. Despite their small size, these little dogs possess a big personality and are known for their lively and curious nature. They have a relatively long lifespan compared to other small dog breeds, living on average 12-15 years. This means that they can be a long-term companion for you and your family, bringing joy and happiness for many years to come.

When considering adding a Brussels Griffon to your family, it’s important to keep in mind their size and lifespan. Small dog breeds are well-suited for people living in apartments or with limited outdoor space. Their compact size also makes them easy to travel with, whether it’s a short car ride or a flight. Additionally, their longer lifespan means that you can enjoy their company for a significant portion of your life. Brussels Griffons are not only small in size but also big in heart, bringing immense love and joy to their owners.

In conclusion, Brussels Griffons are small dogs with a big personality and a relatively long lifespan. Their small size makes them well-suited for various living situations, and their playful and affectionate nature makes them excellent companions. If you’re looking for a small dog breed that will bring happiness and love into your life, a Brussels Griffon could be the perfect addition to your family.

Origin and History

The Brussels Griffon is a fascinating breed with a rich history that dates back to the mid-1800s. The breed originated in Belgium, where they were primarily bred as rat catchers in stables. However, their adorable appearance and delightful personality quickly caught the attention of dog lovers, and they soon transitioned into becoming popular companion dogs.

The Brussels Griffon was developed through the crossbreeding of several other breeds, including the wire-coated Belgian stable dog, the Pug, the Affenpinscher, and the Ruby Toy Spaniel. This mix of breeds resulted in a unique combination of characteristics that make the Brussels Griffon stand out. From the wire-coated Belgian stable dog, they inherited their wiry and dense coat, while the Pug brought in their adorable pushed-in face. The Affenpinscher and the Ruby Toy Spaniel contributed to their compact size and expressive eyes.

Today, the Brussels Griffon continues to be cherished for their charming appearance and delightful personality. They have become beloved pets and have even gained popularity among famous individuals, including fashion designers, actresses, and Hollywood stars. The breed’s history is a testament to their enduring appeal and their ability to bring joy and companionship to their owners.

Famous Brussels Griffon Owners

Throughout history, the Brussels Griffon breed has captured the hearts of many famous individuals, including renowned fashion designer John Galliano, French actress Marie Lantelme, and Hollywood starlet Joyce Compton. These notable pet parents are a testament to the breed’s popularity and charm.

John Galliano, the talented and eccentric fashion designer, is known for his unique sense of style. It’s no surprise that he fell in love with the Brussels Griffon breed, as their distinct appearance and quirky personality perfectly align with his creative vision.

Marie Lantelme, an iconic French actress from the early 20th century, adored her Brussels Griffon companion. Known for her beauty and elegance, Lantelme found joy and comfort in the company of her beloved Griffon.

Joyce Compton, a popular actress in the 1930s and 1940s, was often seen accompanied by her Brussels Griffon. These small, lovable dogs added an extra touch of charm to Compton’s glamorous Hollywood image.

Grooming and Maintenance

Proper grooming and maintenance are essential for keeping your Brussels Griffon looking and feeling their best. With their wiry and dense coat, regular care is necessary to prevent matting and maintain their unique texture. Additionally, routine grooming helps keep your Griffon’s skin healthy and free from irritation.

brussels griffon grooming

Grooming Requirements

Brussels Griffons require regular brushing to remove loose hair and prevent tangles. Using a slicker brush or a comb with fine teeth can effectively remove any knots or mats. Hand-stripping is also recommended for rough-coated Griffons. This process involves plucking out dead hair to maintain the desired texture of their coat. Smooth-coated Griffons have shorter hair that is easier to maintain, but they still benefit from regular brushing.

Nail Trimming and Dental Care

Regular nail trims are important for keeping your Brussels Griffon’s paws healthy and comfortable. Overgrown nails can cause pain and make walking difficult. If you are unsure how to trim your Griffon’s nails, consult with a professional groomer or veterinarian for guidance.

Additionally, dental care is crucial for your Griffon’s overall health. Daily brushing with a dog-friendly toothpaste and regular dental check-ups will help keep their teeth clean and prevent dental diseases.

Professional Grooming

While regular grooming can be done at home, many Brussels Griffon owners opt for professional grooming services. Professional groomers have the knowledge and experience to give your Griffon a thorough grooming session, including bathing, trimming, and styling their coat. They can also provide additional services such as cleaning your Griffon’s ears and expressing their anal glands.

Remember, grooming is not just about maintaining your Brussels Griffon’s appearance—it is also an opportunity for bonding and maintaining their overall health and well-being. Regular grooming sessions can help you monitor your Griffon’s skin and coat for any signs of underlying health issues.

Living with a Brussels Griffon

If you’re considering adopting a Brussels Griffon, it’s important to understand what it’s like to live with this charming breed. Brussels Griffons are incredibly affectionate and loyal, making them great companions for individuals or families looking for a loving pet.

One thing to keep in mind is that Brussels Griffons are small dogs, so they may not be the best fit for families with young children who may not know how to interact gently with them. However, they can get along well with older children who understand the importance of being gentle and considerate with a small dog.

Proper socialization is key for Brussels Griffons to feel comfortable and confident in various situations. Introduce them to different people, places, and experiences from an early age to help them develop well-rounded personalities. This will also help prevent shyness or fearfulness as they grow older.

Training Tips for Brussels Griffons

When it comes to training a Brussels Griffon, patience and consistency are essential. These intelligent dogs are quick learners, but they can also be a bit stubborn at times. Keep training sessions positive and fun by incorporating treats and play. Repetition and consistency will help them build discipline and confidence.

It’s also important to provide your Brussels Griffon with regular exercise and mental stimulation. Though they may not be high-energy dogs, they still need at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. This can include short walks, playtime, and puzzle toys that challenge their minds. A mentally and physically stimulated Griffon is a happy Griffon.

In conclusion, living with a Brussels Griffon can be a rewarding experience for those who are looking for a small, affectionate, and intelligent companion. By providing them with love, proper training, socialization, and regular exercise, you can ensure that your Brussels Griffon is happy and well-adjusted in your home.

Is a Brussels Griffon Right for You?

If you are considering adding a furry friend to your family, the Brussels Griffon may be a breed worth considering. However, before making the decision to bring a Brussels Griffon into your home, it’s important to evaluate whether this breed is the right fit for your lifestyle and needs.

Brussels Griffons require regular exercise and grooming, so be prepared to spend time meeting their needs. They are lively and curious dogs who enjoy playtime and mental stimulation. While they are not overly energetic, they still require at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance dog that requires minimal exercise, a Brussels Griffon may not be the best choice for you.

Grooming is another aspect to consider. Brussels Griffons have a wiry and dense coat that requires regular brushing to prevent matting. Additionally, rough-coated Griffons need to be hand-stripped every three months. If you are not willing to invest time and effort into grooming your dog, a Brussels Griffon may not be the right breed for you.

Lastly, it’s important to remember that Brussels Griffons thrive on human companionship and are known for forming strong bonds with their owners. They are affectionate and require a lot of attention, so if you have a busy lifestyle or are away from home for long periods of time, a Brussels Griffon may not be the best choice for you. However, if you can provide the love, care, and attention they need, a Brussels Griffon can be a loyal and loving addition to your family.


As I conclude this article, I want to emphasize that the Brussels Griffon is truly a small dog breed with a big personality. Their affectionate nature, combined with their intelligence, makes them wonderful companions for those who appreciate their unique charm. While they may require some extra care in terms of grooming and exercise, the love and loyalty they offer in return is well worth it.

When considering a Brussels Griffon as your furry friend, it’s important to do thorough research and find a reputable breeder or adoption organization. Take the time to understand their needs and ensure that you can provide them with the love, attention, and care they deserve.

If you are looking for a small dog breed with plenty of personality, the Brussels Griffon may be the perfect fit for you. With their adorable looks and delightful character, they have won the hearts of many dog lovers. So, if you’re ready for a lifelong companion who will bring joy and happiness to your home, consider welcoming a Brussels Griffon into your life.


What is the origin of the Brussels Griffon?

The Brussels Griffon originated in Belgium.

What were Brussels Griffons originally bred for?

They were originally bred as rat catchers in stables.

What is the appearance of a Brussels Griffon?

Brussels Griffons have a short, pushed-in face with large, expressive eyes and a wiry and dense coat in various colors.

Are Brussels Griffons good with children?

While Brussels Griffons can be good with children, they are a small breed and may be better suited for older children who can interact gently.

How much exercise do Brussels Griffons need?

Brussels Griffons need at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, which can include walks, playtime, and mental stimulation.

What are some common health concerns for Brussels Griffons?

Some health problems that can be seen in the breed include patellar luxation, corneal ulcers, and cherry eye.

How long do Brussels Griffons live?

Brussels Griffons have a relatively long lifespan of 12-15 years.

Are Brussels Griffons easy to groom?

Brussels Griffons require regular grooming, including brushing, bathing, nail trimming, and teeth brushing.

Are Brussels Griffons intelligent?

Yes, Brussels Griffons are intelligent and quick learners.

Are Brussels Griffons suitable for apartment living?

Yes, Brussels Griffons can thrive in apartments as long as they receive regular exercise and mental stimulation.

Is a Brussels Griffon the right dog for me?

Before bringing a Brussels Griffon into your home, it’s important to consider if the breed is the right fit for your lifestyle and if you can provide them with the care and attention they need.